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Outdoor branding refers to the practice of promoting a brand, product, or service in outdoor spaces. This form of advertising utilizes various mediums and elements to create brand visibility and reach a target audience in open-air environments. Common outdoor branding methods include:

  1. Billboards: Large, eye-catching displays often placed in high-traffic areas to maximize exposure.

  2. Banners: Hanging or mounted fabric or vinyl signs typically used at events, on buildings, or along streets.

  3. Posters: Printed promotional materials displayed in public spaces, such as bus stops, community boards, or outdoor events.

  4. Vehicle Wraps: Covering vehicles with branded graphics to promote a company while on the move.

  5. Transit Advertising: Placing ads on public transportation vehicles, like buses or trains.

  6. Street Furniture: Branded elements on public amenities like benches, bus shelters, or information kiosks.

  7. Event Sponsorship: Associating a brand with outdoor events or activities to enhance visibility and engagement.

  8. Guerrilla Marketing: Unconventional and often unexpected tactics to create buzz and engage the audience in public spaces.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)