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“BTL” typically stands for “Below The Line,” and “BTL activity” refers to marketing or promotional activities that are conducted directly with the target audience rather than through traditional mass media channels. These activities are more targeted and personalized. Some common BTL activities include:

  1. Event Marketing: Participation or organization of events to engage directly with the target audience.

  2. Experiential Marketing: Creating immersive brand experiences to connect with consumers on a personal level.

  3. Sampling Programs: Distributing free product samples to potential customers.

  4. In-Store Promotions: Promotions and displays within retail stores to drive sales.

  5. Direct Mail: Sending promotional material directly to the target audience through mail.

  6. Roadshows: Taking the brand directly to different locations to interact with the audience.

  7. Trade Shows: Participation in industry-specific exhibitions to showcase products and services.

  8. Sponsorships: Associating the brand with specific events or causes to enhance visibility.

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